(names may be changed for privacy reasons)

(Please check in periodically for updates of blogs and archives of blogs.  Also, check out our book on the Supernatural in our "ABOUT" section)



Barbara and I traveled with Eastridge Church to Cartagena, a large modern city on the northern coast of Colombia.  We stayed at Hotel Caribe and made it our home base as we traveled to the surrounding areas and within the city itself. We visited many churches as well as a woman’s prison giving out food and participating in their services.

Many people experienced the miracle of salvation, as Pastor Larry, Associate Pastor at Eastridge Church and our team leader preached powerful sermons. There were several outstanding miracles during our trip. For now, I wish to share one amazing miracle. These miracles were definitely a team effort, as missionaries Jimmy and Jill graciously translated for us. Without them, these miracles would not have happened.

  I was drawn to a fellow who could barely walk after the service. I asked Jill to interpret for me. My wife, Barbara and I asked if we could pray for him.  He graciously accepted.  This poor individual had a tragic last three years. He was a nurse in charge of quite a few other people when Covid hit Columbia exceedingly hard! He lost his job and has been out of work for three years. He lost family members to Covid and was left alone, barely getting by. He had Type 2 diabetes, severe back pain, and ulcers on his feet that were burning and preventing him from walking. I prayed for the ulcers first, commanding them to heal and disappear in Jesus Name. When asked if anything was happening, he said that he felt electricity everywhere in his body and all the back pain left though I had not prayed for it.  We had him walk a bit and he said his feet felt better.  I prayed again, commanding his ulcers to be healed as well as his diabetes. I also spoke a creative miracle of a new pancreas. He got a huge smile on his face. When asked what happened, he said that his entire body felt the “rush”(my words) of the Holy Spirit! He said that all the pain in his feet was gone and he was able to walk normally. PTL! We told him that because he had Christ in him, he had power over any symptoms that would attempt to come back and command them to leave in Jesus name.

He was overjoyed! Upon leaving, we (Barabara, my wife, Jill, and I watched him walk down the very steep stairs without any problem.  This was totally an amazing miracle and I believe that the Lord gave him a new pancreas to cure the diabetes!


Barbara and I went on a tour of various beaches south of Puerto Vallarta. Our tour guide was Carlos. We met him in downtown Puerta Vallarta and took a bus to Bocca de Tomatlan where we began our trek. After some hiking, we took a water taxi to Las Animas, the final beach of the tour which was beautiful. It had a very nice restaurant named Abelardo’s right on the sand. The sun was out, and it was a glorious day, so we decided to swim before having lunch. We both had brought our swim goggles and went out where the water was just barely over our heads.  I was fiddling a lot with my goggles trying to prevent water from coming into them. This went on for quite some time, as we were swimming along the coastline. I adjusted my goggles one more time and happened look at my ring finger and saw that I had lost my wedding ring! I had no idea when it had happened, but we instantly began searching for it, though we had no success.  We decided to get out of the water and look near the beach hoping it would wash ashore. After about a half an hour, we gave up and went to have lunch. Of course, we prayed that the Lord would return the ring to us one way or another, perhaps by an angel or by heavenly transport, similar to Philip being transported to Gaza.  Regardless of how it was going to happen, I was confident that I would get my ring back quickly, or sometime in the future.

We joined Carlos for lunch, and I told him what had happened, and that we prayed and were trusting the Lord to bring it back.

Anyway, after lunch, I thought that I would look one more time before we needed to leave. I went back to the beach and retraced my steps, spending more time, but to no avail.  When I was walking back to our table, the thought came to me that I should have Carlos tell the waiter and manager what had happened in case someone should find it. So, when I got back, I did just that. Carlos told our waiter and a couple of minutes later, a fellow, who works for the restaurant by the name of Jerry appeared at our table with a diving mask and offered to go search for my ring. Wow, we were not expecting that. We told Jerry where we had been, and he immediately took his mask and headed to the beach.  We prayed that he would find it, but knew that he would need angelic direction, as the water was rather murky, plus it was quite a large area where the ring had disappeared!  After Jerry had looked in one area for a short while, I thought that I would go down to the beach and point him in the direction where we ended up, as it did not appear that he was making any progress from where were watching him at our table.

So, I walked down the beach. Jerry had just gotten out of the water and was heading back to us. I was thinking that he was giving up and wanted to ask him to search a bit more on the other side of the pier. As I reached him, he spoke to me and showed me his right hand. It took me a moment to look at his hand, but when I did, I saw my wedding ring on one of his fingers where he had placed it to prevent it from getting lost again. PTL.

We went back to our table, and we all rejoiced!  Carlos was totally amazed and said that he never had seen anything like this happen before!  Of course, we shared with both of them that we were praying in faith that the ring would be found, that God is the God of miracles and that we were not surprised but very overjoyed and thankful! Imagine losing your wedding ring in the ocean and having it returned to you within an hour!

We give God the glory for this special miracle and for the opportunity to share our faith with Carlos and Jerry. We prayed a special blessing over each of them and asked the Lord to become more real in their lives!

Psalm 37:4-5 stated that if we delight ourselves in the Lord, He will give us the desires of heart. If we commit our way unto Him and trust in Him, He will bring it to pass! 

He desires to bless us with all heavenly blessings now and forever! Draw close to the God of the Bible and He will draw close to you!


We finally left the church and headed back to town where we had dinner at a restaurant very close to our hotel. I had been praying for dramatic miracles, even creative miracles and what follows was certainly a divine appointment orchestrated by the Lord.

After we finished dinner we walked back to the hotel. I was in the very back, lagging behind, and talking to Jimmy, the missionary who was hosting our team. At dinner, I had ordered two chicken wraps, one which I ended up not eating. So, I put that one in my bag instead of throwing it away. As it turned out, there was a young man perhaps in his early 20’s selling some items next to our hotel. There are many poor Venezuelans just trying to exist from day to day. Anyway, I asked Jimmy if I could give him my extra wrap and he said yes. I gave it to him, asked his name, which was Ricardo, and introduced ourselves. I asked if we could pray for any pain or medical conditions and he said yes. We ended up praying for his right side where he said a part of his lung was removed. He was obviously having difficulty breathing. So with his permission, I put my hand on his shoulder and commanded the area to be healed in Jesus’ Name. I asked him how it felt and he said that all the pain was gone. I was so grateful Jimmy was my interpreter, and without him, this incredible miracle may not have happened.

I probed a little more for medical problems and Ricardo said that he had an infection on his heart and that he would need to have surgery to repair it. Of course there is no way that he could afford to have surgery. So with his permission, I put my hand on his chest and rebuked the infection in Jesus’ Name and prayed for a new heart. Immediately, he said he felt fine. I believe that the Lord created a NEW LUNG and a NEW HEART in just a few seconds for this young man. I then asked him if he would like to receive the Lord into his heart. He of course said yes, and we led him a prayer of salvation and then spoke blessings over him. It was a very powerful time with dramatic healings by the Lord as a result. We want to give all glory and honor to the Lord for what great things He can do and will do if we put our trust in Him!


This week is a week of fasting and prayer for serving God at a higher level, being in good health both physically and financially, and being anointed by the Holy Spirit for doing the”greater works”(i.e. signs, wonders, and miraculous healings)!Today was a great start to the year.

This morning, I visited my sister, Susie to help with some PT exercises. She has a new caregiver by the name of Isabelle whom I met for the first time.  I believe that she is from Zambia, Africa and has been in the United States for 18 years.  After PT, I was sharing with Susie my journal from our trip to Costa Rica about some incredible miracles that the Lord used Barbara (my wife) and myself in. Afterwards, Isabelle who had been listening asked if I could pray for her PLANTAR FASCITIS in both feet, her ANEMIA, her HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, and REMEMBERING THINGS, as well as her DIZZINESS which was likely from the high blood pressure.  I said certainly, let’s do it right now.

So I had her sit down on the edge of the bed (the PT was in the master bedroom) and I held both feet and prayed a simple prayer releasing the power of the Holy Spirit and being healed in Jesus Name (something close to that).  I had her stand up and walk around and she reported there was no pain. PTL.  But we had more to do. I had her sit down again and prayed in similar fashion.  This time she could tell that she was completely healed and was overwhelmed. It was really dramatic. After hugging and shedding tears, she was ready for more miracles.  Next we prayed for her blood pressure which has been extremely, high, 210/190. I put my hand on her shoulder and commanded the blood pressure to normalize and then checked it with the blood pressure monitor which just happened to be sitting on the bed.  The Lord made it easy for me to check it immediately. It went down to 176/124, I believe.  Isabelle said that she felt heat going down the front of her body, which to me indicates that the Lord was healing her arteries and possibly her heart. We prayed again and retook her blood pressure several times.  Each time it went down finally to ~168/98, not perfect but dramatically better.  Again, Isabelle was overjoyed as it had not been that low in years.  I told her that I believed that it would normalize over time, perhaps the next few days or even sooner as the Lord had started the healing process! We also prayed for her other requests.  Hopefully, by next week I will get a great praise report.



Hi Everyone,

 We pray that everyone is doing well.  I thought that I would share a few miracles that happened on our recent trip to Arizona.. We always pray for divine appointments ahead of time on every trip that we go on.  It's always interesting and fun to see how the Lord shows up.   May these testimonies build your faith and the faith of those that you share them with. .

Scottsdale, Arizona, Sunday.

We just arrived at our resort on Sunday afternoon.  Barbara and I had the opportunity to pray for our taxi cab driver from South Sudan, share with the manager of Enterprise and our concierge upon arrival and give them our business cards to our website, to use as witnessing tools.

 We prayed for Pedro’s (our concierge)RIGHT SHOULDER that has been bothering him for 5 years after a sport’s injury. I put my hand on his shoulder, released the power of Jesus Christ, and had him move it around.  His flexibility was immediately better after prayer.  When asked him how it was on a scale of 1 to 10, it went from a 5 to an 8.  I asked if I could pray again and he said yes. When I did, he smiled and said everything was great!  When asked if he felt anything, he said with a big smile that he felt increased energy.  Of course,he would.  We found out that he had accepted the Lord in 2016.  We give all the glory to God. Praise the Lord!

Scottsdale, Tuesday.

Barbara and I attended a presentation today at our resort.  Our presenter was Mimi.  After lunch, we met in her private office which was a little bit unusal.  She immediately told us that she was suffering from a REALLY BAD STOMACH ACHE  I asked if we could pray for her and she said yes.  After getting her permission, we put our hands on her shoulder and commanded her stomach to be healed in Jesus Name, giving glory to the Lord (or something along this line, a simple prayer).  Immediately, she put her hands on her face and I asked her what was happening.  She said that she felt '‘LIGHT”.   I then asked how her stomach was doing and she said that it felt great, all the pain was gone.  I told her that the lightness that she felt was the Holy Spirit touching her and she would probably fall over in the Spirit if she was not sitting down. It turns out that Meme was a Christian and born in this country and that her amazing parents were both from Viet Nam.

Mimi s spent so much time talking to us about her life and the healing that the thought occurred to me that we might not even get to the presentation today.  To God be the glory.


Barbara and I were getting ready to check out this morning from the resort that we were staying at and I was reading Melissa’s update on her trip to Israel (Melissa works with Bridges for Peace).  When I started reading, I felt a very strong presence of the Holy Spirit and was weeping as I read her letter.  This was quite unusual, as this does not normally happen when I read emails.  But I knew that that there was a special anointing on this letter. As I kept reading, I was feeling discomfort in my left eye which had intensified (it was a little bothersome a day or two before, but minimal). Then I got to last paragraph of the email where Melissa asked for prayer for her LEFT EYE that was very red and painful. Wow, I was really surprised, as this was exactly what I was experiencing.  I instantly felt that the Holy Spirit was giving me a “WORD OF KNOWLEDGE” for Melissa. I immediately prayed for Melissa’s eye imagining myself praying for her in person, placing my hand over her left eye and commanding it to be healed in Jesus Name (a teaching point, you don’t have to be somewhere in person).  Of course, I prayed for my own eye also.  A few minutes later, my left eye was totally healed and I had no further problems.  To God be the glory!

Now to continue with the story.  Believing that this was a “word of knowledge”, I contacted Melissa and let her know what just happened.  It was 11:00 am PST and 9:00 pm, Israel time( about 10 hours difference). She got back to me the next day and said that it was amazing!  She felt that her eye was better when I prayed for her, but she was a little too tired to tell much.  However, she could tell that it was totally healed the next morning.  I know that other people were praying too, but I think that this was amazing as the Lord healed my left eye as well as hers at the same time, thousands of miles apart.  Of course there is no space nor time in the realm of the spirit, so this does not surprise us. 

On another note, Jesus said that those that believe in Him would not only do the works that He did, but even greater works (John 14:12-14).  In a sense, this was a greater work because it was thousands of miles away and it originated through email, which of course Jesus did not have.  Just think what believers could have done 2000 years ago if they had “smart phones” or computers and email accounts.

Home, June .

Both Barbara and I skied today. After sitting for a while in the afternoon, I got up and was having a great deal of pain in my LEFT HEEL.  I was pretty sure that this  was due to the pounding that it took while slalom skiing.  Barbara prayed that the Lord would “heal my heel "(that sounds a little odd) and immediately it was better and back to normal in a short while.  Praise the Lord!  It is good to remember the great things that He has done and is doing, even though they may seem minor at times.  However, pain is never minor if it’s your own.

Home, June.

Today, Mark the window washer was working at our home. He dropped a mental item and I told him that I had a magnet with a long handle someplace that could retrieve it. I had no idea where it was and could not find it.  I then asked the Lord for a “WORD OF KNOWLEDGE” where it might be and he directed me right to it. Sometimes, we try to do everything ourselves when the Lord is right there willing to help us. I shared with Mark what the Lord had just done and  was led to share a word of knowledge that I recently had.  In the end Mark was blessed by the testimony of how great the Lord is!

Again, may these miracles build your faith and the faith of others to receive miracles.  


Before leaving tonight for Life Group, I prayed for Barbara’s HANDS that were VERY SORE from yard work and water skiing for the first time this year.  Barbara said that they were better right after prayer.  They seemed to be fine later on.

Tonight at Lilian’s Life Group, we had worship music for the first time. M… played his guitar and ushered in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Lilian asked people to share how we can hear from God.   Many contributed how we can hear from the Lord and how He works in our lives. I waited until everybody shared as I did not want to the spotlight to be on me.  I was in agreement with everyone’s different perspectives. I then shared a few ideas from the Bible and my own experiences.  I shared about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit from 1Corninthians 12 and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in supernatural languages and how we can hear from God through them.  I shared especially about Words of Knowledge and gave a powerful example where the Lord gave me a Word of Knowledge for a particular individual at a conference which resulted in the healing of both feet and leg muscles allowing him to walk normally again with long strides.  As I was sharing, C…. began shaking her right hand vigorously.  We asked what was happening and C… began to share with us that her RIGHT THUMB had been sore for about 1 and a half months and no amount of prayer seemed to be helping.  However, while I was speaking her thumb became warm and she realized that it was much better.  I explained that testimonies are very powerful (Revelation 12:11) and can bring healing to others simply though hearing them.  I believe also that it is God’s glory that comes into the atmosphere when we are praising and worshiping God and giving testimonies that are glorifying him. There becomes an “ease” to walk in the supernatural analogous to people being healed and delivered just being near Peter’s shadow as seen in Acts 5:15. The Greek word for “overshadow” is episkiazo which refers to the glory or glory cloud of God.  So it is no wonder that Chris was healed by simply being in the atmosphere of the glory.  This happens often in Christian meetings where the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully among our midst.

I got up and went over to pray for complete healing for C….. I put my hand on her shoulder and simply commanded all pain to leave and her thumb to be normal (or something close to that) in Jesus Name.

Lilian then asked me to pray for “words of knowledge” for others.  But I felt it best to pray that others in our group would get words of knowledge. Within a few seconds, Lilian saw (I believe) the word, “HEADACHE'“ across someone’s forehead.  So she asked if that was for anyone in our group.  L…. said that was for her on the left side of her head.  So Lilian got up and prayed for her and her headache was completely gone.

The word, “PAIN” came to mind after Lilian prayed for L…..  Bernie was sitting next to L….and I already knew that the word was for him, so I had her pray over him. As soon as she prayed, Bernie reported that the pressure was gone where he had surgery a few days ago.  And he was feeling much better. To God be the glory! I felt led to get others in our group involved so that they could also be used of the Lord and experience His power. I later prayed for Bernie’s pain and it was completely gone.  Several of us also prayed for K… STOMACH PROBLEMS  We prayed for him last week and his stomach was much better. 

It was exciting to experience the dunamis power of the Holy Spirit and see signs and wonders take place before our eyes. We give God all of the glory as we are just instruments that are being used by Him when we submit to Him and the leading of His Holy Spirit!


Barbara and I went to La Casita restaurant this afternoon for dinner.  When our waiter, Martin brought our check, I asked him if we could pray a blessing over him and he said yes. When asked if he had received Jesus into his heart, he also said yes and we instantly had fellowship. If he had said no, we would have given him an invitation to pray with us.

We proceeded to ask him if he had any pain in his body and he said that his RIGHT SHOULDER was uncomfortable.  After getting his permission we placed our hands on his right shoulder and commanded the pain to leave and his shoulder be made whole in Jesus Name and then asked him to move his shoulder.  All the pain disappeared immediately and full function was restored to his shoulder. He was beaming with joy and amazement. When asked how long he had the pain, he said it had been there for 20 years.  Praise the Lord! The teaching point here is take a risk and ask someone if you can pray a blessing over them.


This incredible conference was finally at the end.  Aliss asked everyone to ask the Lord for a “word of knowledge” and who it was for in the audience.  We were encouraged to seek that person(s) out after we finished.  I felt that the Lord gave me another “word of knowledge”, very specifically “pain in top of the right foot”. Aliss and Rob finally closed with blessing everybody when we walked through a “fire tunnel” where they laid hands on us and spoke blessing over us.

After walking through the blessing, I immediately looked for the person whom I thought the word was for.  I noticed a person who I had seen having difficulty walking.  I waited until I had opportunity to talk to him and then introduced myself.  His name was D…. and I said that the Lord may have given me a “word” for him and told him what it was.  Amazingly, D….. told me that he had asked the Lord to give a “word” to someone regarding his condition without his saying it out loud.  I believe this was to ensure that God was going to definitely heal him!

D…… told me that he drives a lot and that he has had a lot of pain in the top of his RIGHT FOOT when he drives, as that is where he puts his foot on the gas. Pain in the top of the right foot was exactly the “word of knowledge” that I recieived. So with D…… permission, I knelt down and put my had on the top of his right foot and spoke healing and freedom of pain over it in Jesus Name.  D….. reported that he felt something happening in his foot when I prayed for him but would not be sure if it was healed until he started driving home. I assured him that I believed that it would be totally healed, as the Lord set up this divine appointment precisely for him (in so many words). I then asked if I could pray for his mobility problems and he said yes.  So I continued to kneel down and put my hands on both feet where there was significant PAIN IN THE SOULS OF HIS FEET.  Each time I prayed, I walked with him and each time it would improve.  We did this for several minutes until D…… was completely free of pain.  He then told me that his STRIDE was very short due to compensation, so I then started praying for his quads and hamstrings again testing it out after each prayer.  By the time we were done, D…… was walking without pain and his stride was normal length.  He was ecstatic.  Again, I believe that the “word of knowledge” played an incredible role in D……’s healing.  He was so great full that he got his wife/friend and she gave me a water color print of Jesus.  Thus ended Aliss and Rob Cresswell’s Christian Healing Conference in Idaho.

MTI near SEATAC Airport.

Our clinic today was at New Hope.  We saw Birikti a believer from Eritrea, which borders Ethiopia and Sudan.  At the end of the appointment, we asked her if she had any pain in her body.  She stated that she presently had PAIN THROUGHOUT HER BODY AND IN HER RIGHT TMJ.  We asked if we could pray for her and she gladly accepted.  We put our hands on the shoulder and rebuked the pain in Jesus Name.  After praying a couple times, Birikti was free of all pain.  She was very appreciative.  We told her to rebuke the pain in Jesus Name if it came back.  Since her jaw was anesthetized, she did not know if the TMJ pain was also gone.  I am confident that it too has disappeared.  PTL.

Another patient that we prayed for was Luis.  He had PAIN TO COLD AND BITING SENSITIVITY ON HIS UPPER LEFT TOOTH.  Everything appeared good, so I did not feel anything that we would do could help, other than removing the tooth.  So I offered to pray for him.  He did not speak English, but got the idea.  I would pray and ask him if it was better when I placed air on the tooth and had him bite on a cotton roll.  Each time, it got a little better.  After praying a third time, he indicated all the pain was gone with cold and biting.

 The last patient, I prayed for was Olga from Guatemala.  Olga did not speak English so her grandson, Houston translated for us.  Her pain was at about level 5 on a scale of 1 to 10 on an upper left canine that was connected to a bridge.  The x-ray showed a large radiolucency indicating a cyst or an abscess.  We were not about to remove her tooth and bridge, so we prayed that the PAIN would go away.  We prayed twice and she said all the pain that had been there for two months, had left.  We referred her to the upcoming Medical / Dental Health event in Seattle, where she could consult a specialist at no charge.  Hopefully, the next x-ray will indicate no problem in this area of her mouth.

 JOURNAL NOTES IRELAND   From our trip with friends, Ted & Jenni

Near Waterford.

Barbara was driving our Hertz rental car on the wrong side of the road (LOL) in the dark when she hit a curb with the front wheel.  We heard some sounds but thought everything was fine at least for a while.  After a few miles, the dashboard was showing that we were losing tire pressure rapidly.  At that exact moment, there was a gas station on our left and Barbara immediately drove into it.  It had a large amount of space and excellent lighting plus an air compressor.  We got there just in the nick of time as the tire was now flat.  Ted and I found the spare wheel and attempted to remove the wheel with the flat tire.  However, the first lug nut was locked on and neither one of us was able to loosen it.  I went into the gas station looking for a can of “inflate a tire” which I found.  When I came back, Ted had the wheel off which was a miracle in itself.  The tire was so badly damaged that the “inflate a tire” would not have helped anyway. We got underway again and arrived safely at our hotel.  There are many other miraculous details about this incident that would take too much time to describe. In the end everything worked out perfectly for which we give God the glory!


Today, we stopped by the famous Abbey at Bangor, Ireland, near Dublin.  This was the site where several Celtic Saints, including Saint Patrick had visited.  Saint Comgall had established the Abbey on this site nearly 1500 years ago.  At that time the entire area was filled with light at night, and a host of heavenly angels were heard singing.  As a result, the valley where the Abbey is situated was called Vallis Angelorum or Valley of Angels.  Many miracles and angelic visitations occurred there.  The site was also the home of over 3000 monks, where there was continuous worship night and day for one hundred and fifty years.  During our visit, we prayed that the anointing and the impartation for the miracles, resurrections, and healings that were on the saints, would be on us also.

Cabra Castle near Dublin in Republic of Ireland.

The same day that we visited Bangor, we checked into the Cabra Castle.  It was a true castle converted to an castle / hotel.  We all were joking with Paula, the receptionist, and talking about the Vikings who had come to Ireland in the middle ages establishing many cities, including Dublin and Waterford.  Near the end our conversation with Paula, I said that I was a “reformed” Viking and gave her my business card for my web page, .   I then asked her if we could pray a blessing over her, and if she had any pain or medical problems.  She said that she had PAIN OR BURSITIS IN HER RIGHT ELBOW which had been there for quite a while.  So after getting her permission, I put my hand on her elbow and commanded it to be healed in Jesus Name, giving the glory to the God. She simply thanked me for praying for her. I wasn’t going to stop there, so I told her to move her arm around a little (faith in action).  When she did, she was amazed and said that her elbow felt much better, and stated that it even felt warm.  I explained to her that she was feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit healing her.   I prayed again and had her move her elbow some more, and everything felt good with it. Praise the Lord.

Leaving for Home.

We checked out of the castle this morning, after I played 18 holes of golf.  The golf was complementary, and Paula did not even charge me for the clubs.  What favor, as I had not even conceived of playing golf in Ireland, let alone for free!  Without even asking her, Paula informed us that her arm was doing great after we prayed for her last night.  She said that she had the best night’s sleep in year.  (A side note, is that I asked the Lord to prompt Paula to let us know that her arm was still healed without our asking about it.)

In the afternoon at the airport, as we were waiting at our gate before boarding our plane, we met Steven who was from Boise, Idaho.  Steven had just spent two years in Rome preparing to become a deacon in the Catholic Church.  He was familiar with some of the Celtic saints such as Patrick and with some of the miracles associated with them.  We had the opportunity to a pray a blessing over him and that he would be baptized with the Holy Spirit, and with fire, and that miracles would also follow him!  He graciously received the prayer and was most grateful.

Home, October.

This afternoon, we received a call from Phil, our contractor, who continues to do projects at our house.  Before our trip, Barbara and I had prayed for his KNEE WHICH WAS SWOLLEN AND PAINFUL.  Though nothing happened when we prayed for him, we told him to expect improvement over the next few days.  After we got home, he told us that a couple of days after we prayed, he woke up in the morning, and his knee was totally fine.  Praise the Lord!

 We hope you are encouraged and your faith has increased as a result of these testimonies of God’s mighty work through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Blessings. 


Back Healed, Glory Dust, Heavenly Fragrances.

Barbara and I met J…..... a couple of weeks ago in church. We prayed for his back at that time, but he did not feel anything happen immediately. We encouraged him saying that it should improve over the next day or two.  A couple of weeks later, while ushering, I greeted J….. and asked how his back was doing, and he said it felt good soon after we prayed for him.  The key is not to give up, only believe even if healing is not instantaneous.  The Lord hears our prayers. Our responsibility is to believe His Word.

Continuing on with Eastridge Church, I want to share just a couple of miracles which may be outside of many peoples’ paradigm. However, the Lord is not limited to our belief system.  He can do anything that He wishes to do without consulting with us. You only need to consider the Israelites eating manna from heaven every day for forty years to understand that the Lord can do anything that He desires regardless of what we think about it.  Keeping that in mind, we saw Hanna..... and she reported how she received glory dust from the Lord on one of her hands the other day.  Lil.... also mentioned that she had glory dust on her hands.  Another sign or wonder, was a very strong Heavenly fragrance that was in the atmosphere of the sanctuary during worship music.  I have smelled this fragrance before, and all I can say is that it is a “sweet odor”.  I cannot connect it to any particular scent and it is certainly not one that someone would wear. Plus it was very strong at times.  Another usher also smelled it. Heavenly fragrances are not new to us.  We have smelled them many times in the past, especially at Eastridge when God’s presence was very strong and also at home.  Often times, we identified it as roses which points to our close relationship with Jesus.  The Rose of Sharon in the Songs of Solomon comes to mind in this regard.  I have consulted with our pastor in the past to rule out any “piped in” fragrances and he reported that there were none. 

The purpose of signs and wonders is to point us to our Lord and Savior and the incredible ways in which he reveals Himself to us.


Ankles, Nightmares and Demonic Presence, Bone Spur, Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Headache, Power

Alpha is a worldwide organization which helps people understand who Jesus is from a Biblical standpoint. There is a series of weekly meetings which usually includes dinner at tables set up for small groups of 6 to 8 people.  Barbara and I are not hosts, but attend in order to support Alpha and help people in growing in God’s Word. We often have opportunities to minister to people’s needs.  I will mention a number of miracles that occurred. We prayed for Lil’s son, Jo.  I kneeled down and put my hands on both of his ankles that were bothering him and they were instantly healed in Jesus Name.

  Another time we prayed for Brand..., Lil’s nephew who lives in China and was just visiting.  Brand.... is 14 years old and speaks excellent English.  We prayed with him to accept Jesus into his heart and then for deliverance from nightmares and a demonic presence in his bedroom back home in China.  We were made aware that there is much demonic activity in his area and that his mother and father even brought him to a witch doctor to alleviate his problem. That’s like inviting a wolf to watch over the hens.  We are waiting to hear from Lil... to see if things have improved for Brand.... since we prayed with him.

At another meeting, we prayed for Nat....’s heel which he often gets sharp pain in.  He did not feel anything at the time, but the following week I asked him how it was doing.

He said that he has not had any pain in it since we prayed for him.  I believe that it was a bone spur that “dissolved” after we prayed for him.  We give all the glory to the Lord.

Not long ago, we had Holy Spirit weekend, where people were taught about the Holy Spirit and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit from a Biblical viewpoint as well as the gifts of the Holy Spirit as seen in   1 Corinthians 12: 1-11.  I want to digress for a moment and point out that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are mentioned just a few verses beyond the instructions to take Communion as seen in 1Corinthians 11.  The point here is that the close approximation between Communion and the gifts of the Holy Spirit point to the fact that the Apostle Paul who wrote two thirds of the New Testament including Corinthians knew that both are very important to the Lord and relevant for today.

 After excellent teachings and a power packed day, we were asked to pray for those who had not received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in supernatural languages.  We prayed for Lu..... who literally shook under the power of the Holy Spirit and Shres...., who Lil.... just recently led to the Lord.  Shres.... felt the tangible presence also of the Holy Spirit with power or electricity touching her hands.  We prayed for M..... also.  He felt the presence of the Holy Spirit, but felt overwhelmed and started having a headache due to overload. I know that  headaches are not from the Holy Spirit so several of us prayed for him and each time the headache lessened.  I finally simply said, “out in the Name of Jesus” and within a few seconds to everyone’s amazement, M.....’s countenance dramatically changed, the headache fully disappeared, and he looked and felt happy. Even though M.... was touched by the Holy Spirit, I feel that the enemy, a demonic entity, was instantly trying to steal his joy from him.

In conclusion, our Alpha meetings have been excellent with the Presence of the Holy Spirit filling the atmosphere where signs, wonders, and miracles become easy. If you ever have the opportunity to attend the Alpha series, I would encourage you to do so!

Post note: a week or so after we prayed for Brand....’s nightmares and took authority over the demonic presence, Lil.... called me and informed me that he was free of nightmares and sleeping well. To God be the glory!

I hope that these signs, wonders, and miracles build your faith.  Often times when people hear testimonies, it brings about healing for them also, especially if they are suffering from similar conditions.



We prayed for our patient, Enka, who is of Oriental descent, to receive the Lord.  It was interesting because Enka spoke very good English but did not understand what I was saying regarding prayer.  So, I simply folded my hands and she instantly realized that I wanted to pray for her.  The bottom line is that she ACCEPTED THE LORD.  We then prayed for her TMJ, as her jaw would lock out when she opened wide.  After a simple prayer in Jesus Name, she was fine, and she was able to open her mouth wide without her jaw locking out any more.  I told her that we are to give Jesus Christ the credit for His healing her.

Amy came in for a couple of fillings. I forgot that I had prayed for her last time even though she was a Muslim and had accepted the Lord.  After we were wrapping up and she was about to leave, she asked me if I would pray for her again today.  Nice.

Bee was having her teeth cleaned by Julie, our hygienist today.  I told her that we like to pray for our patients and asked if she would like to ask the Lord into her life and she immediately said yes.  So, we prayed for her SALVATION first, and then for her step daughters and peace in her family.

We saw Clem, a 79 year old male Caucasian.  He walked in with a cane and held a portable oxygen supply.  He ended up not needing any treatment today, so I asked if we could pray for his medical problems.  I sensed that he was a strong Christian.  Clem had COPD so with his permission, I just put my hand on his shoulder and prayed a simple prayer commanding his condition to be healed, and then asked him if anything was happening.  He said that he felt something in his lungs go (I believe) and now felt fine.  I had him breathe more and asked some basic questions to see if everything was totally okay.  He then took off his oxygen nasal inserts and seemed to feel good without it.  Praise the Lord.  We then prayed for the NUMBNESS in his left leg which was residual from the STROKE that he had suffered and was the reason for using the cane.  After praying one time, most of the numbness left.  We prayed a couple of more times and everything was good.  We had him walk a few steps without his cane (faith in action) and he thought it was still good. He did keep walking with his cane afterwards, as he said that he was so use to it.  He was very happy when he left.

Our last patient, Franz, was of Latino descent.  When asked if he had received Christ into his heart, he said that he was Catholic.  I asked him if we could pray for him to strengthen or confirm his relationship with the Lord and he said yes.  After repeating the prayer of SALVATION, we prayed for his SENSITIVE TEETH, and immediately the pain left.

Last, but not least, we prayed for Dana, our dental assistant, who was also a Christian.   A car door was opened on her HAND a few days ago and it was painful and swollen and she did not have the strength in it that she needed.  I put my hand on her hand and just commanded it to be healed in Jesus Name.  She said that she felt something “pull away” and everything felt fine.  I asked Dana several times during the day how it was feeling, and each time she said that everything felt good.  I don’t normally do that, but perhaps the Lord wanted to solidify my faith this particular time.

Now, I wish to emphasize a couple of teaching points.

When we start our morning on the dental van, we always try to pray as a team and invite the presence of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and the holy angels of God to come and minister to us and with us.  We especially invite the presence of the Holy Spirit to come and fill the atmosphere and for signs and wonders to occur.  When we pray for people, I try to keep it very simple and always pray in Name of Jesus, giving all the glory to the Lord.  It is interesting when you read the four gospels that often times, Jesus only spoke a few words when praying for individual situations, sometimes just a three or four word command or prayer.

We praise the Lord for another great clinic and give Him all the glory for the great things that He has done.

I hope that this builds your faith.  Often times when people hear testimonies, it brings healing to them, especially if it is a similar condition as one that we describe, such as breathing problems or sensitive teeth, as in today’s clinic.


January 2018 starts in the Hawaiian Islands and almost ends in the Hawaiian Islands.  More on that below.


KAUAI, January 1st thru January 14th.  We arrived in Kauai on New Year’s Day.  We stayed at the Princeville area and decided to go through a sales presentation to get an update on our resort.  We had the opportunity to pray for Nathan who was setting up the time for the update.  I strongly sensed that he knew the Lord and shared with him some of our ministry outreaches.  As it turned out, Nathan was indeed a strong Christian and we had instant fellowship.  I asked him if he had any medical problems that we could pray for and he said that he injured his right SHOULDER a couple of years ago, but it was still bothering him.  Barbara and I prayed for his shoulder and simply commanded it to function normally without pain in Jesus Name. He moved it around to test it and he reported that all the pain and stiffness were gone. Later that evening, Nathan wanted us to pray for him and his wife when he was off his work shift.  So Nathan came over to our unit and we prayed a blessing over him and also commanded his BULGING DISC to go back in place. When asked if he felt anything, he said that he felt lighter in his back.  We believe that the Lord started the healing and will complete it in the near future.  The following day, we went to our presentation and met Lance  who turned out to be a fairly well known childhood movie star.  It turns out that Lance was also a strong Christian and attended the same local church as Nathan attended.  At the end of the presentation we had the opportunity to pray a blessing over Lance and see the Lord heal his right HIP area.  We also prayed for his blood pressure, but did not get a chance to find out how that turned out.  On that Sunday, Barbara and I went to his church and enjoyed great worship and praise. 

The following week, we transferred to Poipu Beach at the southern point of the island. We had invited our friends, Ted and Jenny to spend a few days with us.  On Friday, we had a great time at an authentic Hawaiian luau and were joking about nukes, as we were so close to North Korea.  Maybe that was not such a good idea, as you will see in a moment.  Job 28:22 says that you shall decree a thing and it shall be established onto you….The next morning was Ted’s 50th birthday Ted jokingly said that he never expected to make it to his 50th birthday.  Again, maybe it’s not a good idea to make those type of statements. We had signed up for a movie site tour for that morning only to find out that it was canceled due to a bad auto accident.  That was about 8:00 am and we were still at the resort.  About that time, Jenny gets a text message, saying that a BALLISTIC MISSILE is on its way and is expected to touch down in about 20 minutes. It went on to say that “THIS IS NOT A DRILL!”  WOW!!!  Barbara gets the same text on her phone, as we hear sirens go off.  We immediately go to the front desk to ask where the closest shelter is.  No one knows. Our next move was to ask the Lord for direction and we finally ended up in a swale near the beach that seemed to be somewhat protective. We then waited for the end and eternity in heaven to begin for us. As were praying, about 5 minutes later, Barbara said that she had an uncanny peace regarding what was about to take place.  Ted said that he felt the same way.  Literally, a minute later, Jenny gets a text message saying that it was a false alarm.  The rest is history and Ted did make it through his 50th birthday.

An interesting side note is that practically all of the people who got the first text message were panicked and hysterical.  However, for us, having Jesus Christ in our hearts and lives demonstrated a peace beyond comprehension.  The scripture comes to mind, Isaiah 26:3, where it states that the Lord will keep you in perfect peace if you stay focused on Him and trust in Him!  Again, in Psalm 23, it says that we shall fear no evil even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death because the Lord is with us. The end of the story is that we all arrived home safely!  Hallelujah!


Fibromyalgia, Pain in Both Knees, Electricity, Word of Knowledge, Plantar Fasciitis, TMJ Pain

For tonight’s session, healing was the main topic.  It was a great video presentation.  At the end, everyone got to put their faith in action and pray for those at their tables.  Our host, Kay, prayed a very anointed prayer over everybody at our table as we held hands.  It was so powerful that I felt “voltage” in my hands that kept escalating.  Before I could comment, Bee felt powerful electrical currents in her hands and body as well.  Afterwards, I took the opportunity to pray for Kay again, i.e. another dose of prayer (I had prayed for her at previous sessions and conditions were improving however not perfect).  This time I commanded the spirit of fibromyalgia to leave her body and she felt an immediate and dramatic improvement.  I also prayed for pain in  both of her knees, several times and commanded the pain to leave, the cartilage to come back, and the spaces to open up in Jesus Name.  Again, we had good improvement, especially when I commanded the joint spaces to increase at a particular pressure point on the right knee.  Interestingly, when I told the joint spaces to increase, Krysten stated that it a was supernatural “word of knowledge” for her.  Even though I was unaware of it, it definitely increased her faith for healing. It is interesting that when we pursue the Lord, he can do things through us that we are not even aware of. We should go hard after God at all times.  We give all the glory to God for the great things that He is  doing!

I came back to our table and was going to share the miracles that we had experienced at our Medical Teams clinic a few days ago.  I had brought a write up and was about to read it when Lil came over to our table and really wanted me to come and pray for the people at her table.  She was pretty insistent so I gave the write up to Barbara to read and went to Lil's table.  It was almost humorous as she had prayed for Sylv and he was basically healed.  She prayed for him about 8 times (after telling him that she would pray as much as 10 times) for the plantar fasciitis in both feet and the pain went from extreme at a level 10 to just a one.  I prayed over both feet individually and commanded the pain to leave and it went to a ½. I prayed one more time and the pain went to 0, after a total of 10 prayers as Lil had stated.  I really like Lil’s persistence.  That’s how we should all pray. 

To top it off, Gigi who was hosting Lil’s table said that as Lil was praying for the fasciitis, the fasciitis in her left foot went from a 6 to a one.  PTL (Praise the Lord).  Wow, that is the power of testimony. This is a great teaching point that people can be healed just by hearing testimonies.  Revelation 12:11 states that they (the believers in Christ) overcame him (the devil) by the “blood of the lamb” (Christ’s sacrifice) and by the word of their testimony.  Testimony is so very powerful! 

Whenever, we get a chance and the timing is right, we should give our testimony to build other people’s faith.  It will be much easier for them to receive healing when someone prays for them. At any rate, Gigi asked us to pray for the remaining level of pain.  Willingly, I held her foot and rebuked the pain in Jesus Name and all the pain left, going to 0.

Interestingly, Gigi also shared with us how she had severe TMJ pain a couple of years ago. She said that her lower jaw was back as far as it could go and she was really suffering.  When she was prayed for, within 45 seconds or so, all the pain left and her jaw moved forward and went into proper alignment.  Pretty incredible! Again, God gets all of the glory.  





Barbara and I had a great day praying for patients after their dental procedures.  We could sense the spiritual warfare from the start of the day.  During our drive to New Hope Clinic near Sea Tac, we narrowly escaped an accident where a vehicle unexpectedly veered into our lane.  Instead of "sleep walking", I believe that the driver was “sleep driving”.  When we got to our clinic, it was a different van than we were use to.  Everything was reversed, making it difficult to navigate and find necessary items.  Not only that, the dental light in our operatory was nonfunctional (the light for the other dentist was fine).  Fortunately, I brought two powerful headlights that served the purpose.  Shortly, after our first patient, our x-ray equipment also broke down, further compromising our day.  Regardless of how everything started, we had a successful clinic and got home safely!    Our first patient, Janelle from Kenya was touched powerfully by the Holy Spirit.  We prayed for her right ankle (actually, the back of her foot) where she was having constant pain which the doctors could not resolve or even help.  After praying just one time, the pain disappeared and she could walk normally, Praise the Lord.  Next, we prayed for an infection in her right nostril that had been there for several days.  She had pain in that area and swelling underneath her mandible (jaw) on the right side which she felt was from her nose.  After we prayed, the swelling decreased and her nose felt fine. We prayed one more time for the residual swelling and it disappeared completely. Who knows, the Lord may have healed two  separate conditions, as the swelling was so far removed from the nose and I know of no facial planes that connect the nose to that particular area.

We prayed for another patient's neck by the name of Verona.  The back of her neck felt good after just one prayer.  We prayed again for the right side of her neck and everything felt good. PTL.

We then prayed for Marcus who was still having pain in his lower back molar that had a filling placed a couple of months ago to help resolve cold sensitivity as well as chewing sensitivity.  The cold sensitivity seemed to be fine, but the biting sensitivity persisted.  Everything looked fine from my perspective, however, it is likely that he had a number of micro fractures in the back tooth due to his heavy bite and tendency to grind his teeth.  We had him bite on a cotton roll to verify which tooth it was and the level of the pain.  We then prayed and again had him bite real firmly on the cotton roll which previously produced pain.  This time he smiled and said  there was no pain. 

Our next patient was Micah.  She had a sore throat which just started a day or so ago.  We prayed for her throat and asked her if there was any improvement.  Nothing happened, so we asked if we could pray again. This time, she said that she felt “tickling” and her throat was fine.  That’s a new one.  I have never heard of being tickled by the Lord before, but anything is possible. PTL (Praise The Lord).  I checked with her later and her throat was still good.  Barbara and I prayed for a number of other people during the day as well for family, jobs, etc.

In summary, when we pray for people, we normally just command the area to be healed in Jesus Name or whatever the Holy Spirit leads us to do and say. We then have them test the area that we just prayed for.  We do this, as it represents faith in action.  If there is no improvement, we pray again after getting permission.  Interestingly, nothing may happen the first time we pray, but we don’t give up and almost always continue to pray and often see conditions healed after persisting.  The bottom line is “don’t  give up” and  always give the glory and honor to God (the Holy Spirit) at the end of praying.

In conclusion, he Lord wants every true Christian believer to walk in the miraculous every day.  Please read key scriptures Acts 1:8, John 14:12-14, and Mark 16:17 and ask the Lord to use you supernaturally to advance His kingdom.


Barbara and I attended a Christian Conference in Tacoma Washingtion on Saturday with our friend Dave.  Between sessions, we had lunch with Dave and two other women that were attending the conference. It turns out that Susan, one of the women was working with Youth with a Mission (YWAM) which is the ministry that Barbara and I went with to Papua New Guinea last spring.  We shared a lot with each other during lunch and had a great time.  When we were ready to depart, we prayed for impartation over Aspen and Susan and they definitely felt the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit, as had Dave earlier when we prayed for him. 

We then prayed for healing for Susan and Aspen.  It was interesting that Susan had neuropathy in both feet. I had just prayed for John’s feet the night before at our home and the Lord healed him of neuromas in both feet after several prayers.  I only prayed once for Susan and commanded her feet to be healed and free of pain in Jesus Name that the Father might be glorified in the Son (JESUS).  Susan’s feet were instantly healed and she reported feeling lighter.  Interestingly, I find it somewhat common that people feel lighter when we pray for their knees and feet and God heals them.  Aspen also felt the Lord’s presence when we prayed for her conditions. All glory be to God.


Just before leaving, we prayed with Reuben and Hannah at their thresh hold (front door), as we normally do.  Tonight, however, their little boy, Peter had a really bad fever plus swelling on the left side of his neck that they were very concerned about.  We prayed for Peter and commanded the fever to leave in Jesus Name and the swelling to go down.  I said to look for everything to improve by morning.  The next morning, Reuben was watching a guest on Sid Roth, It’s Supernatural talking about when the Lord had healed her of a severe disease.  At that particular moment in the show, Reuben said that Peter's fever instantly broke and the swelling in his neck went down dramatically.  This is a great example of how the Lord will sometimes wait to answer our prayers at a particular time which is in our best interest and helps us to increase our trust in Him.

  It is important to note that not all healing and/or answered prayers are instantaneous.  The key is to pray and believe that it will happen.  The responsibility for the healing or answered prayers to occur is not ours, but God's.  We simply do our part and depend on the Lord to do the rest.  In the above example, I believe that Peter's healing happened at that particular point in time in order for Reuben to receive the "gift of faith" spoken of in 1 Corinthians 12 to believe for the miracle to occur instantly.

  In future blogs, I will discuss people that received miracles after we had prayed for them which we did not hear about until much later.  In fact, one was about two years later.  So never stop praying for people even if you do not see instant results.  Never give up.  The answer may be just around the corner!



Today was an incredible day of miracles and beyond on the MTI dental van at New Hope Clinic.  We prayed for every patient today.  However, there are several notable miracles that stand out.  Barbara and I prayed for a new patient, Naomi, a Latino. During the exam, I noted that she was having pain upon opening below her mandible (lower jaw) on the left side.  It had been there for years, I believe and seemed to originate from the LEFT TMJ.  I asked her if I could pray for her and she said yes.  I simply put my hand over the left TMJ, commanded it to be healed and for the pain to go in Jesus Name.  Amazingly, Naomi had instant relief and was smiling.  I asked her if she had any other problems and she said yes, her RIGHT SHOULDER was always in pain from housework.  I put my hand on her shoulder and simply commanded it to be healed and the pain to leave in Jesus Name.  I then asked her to move it around and she smiled and said all the pain was gone. Praise the Lord.

Another patient we prayed for was Gail who was from Venezeula.  She was concerned about an upper left tooth that she was having BITING SENSITIVITY with.  Upon examination, everything looked really good including the x-ray.  I could not find anything wrong.  I told her my findings and that I did not recommend any treatment, but I would be happy to pray for her.  She said yes and I put my hand on her face near the problem area.  I commanded the pain to go and the tooth to be healed in Jesus Name.  I tested the tooth by percussion as I had done initially.  And Gail just smiled and said there was no pain.  Barbara and I questioned her a couple more times just to make sure and everything was good!

The most dramatic miracle happened toward the end of our clinic.  I saw Mark and did a filling on him and prayed a blessing over him and his family.  Right after him, we saw his wife, Vickie.  Vickie had extended braces on both arms, extending down to the fingers.  I knew up front that I would ask her if I could pray for her.  So after the exam, I had her husband, Mark come over to help interpret for her.  Mark really needed an interpreter also, but we made do.  I had Vickie stand up so that we could pray for her.  I asked Mark what the problems were, and he said that her arms had been like that for years and she always had pain when lifting things.  It sounded like a combination of CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME and ARTHRITIS.  Vickie was also having pain in her RIGHT SHOULDER when she moved it around. In addition, Vickie put her hand on her upper CHEST, just below her esophagus indicating problems in that area.  I was unsure of the diagnosis, but that makes no difference to the Lord.  We started with her right shoulder and commanded it to be healed in Jesus Name and the pain to leave.  Vickie moved it into all kinds of positions for quite a few seconds or minutes.  I asked if it was getting better, and Mark stated that it was poquito (a little bit better).  I told Mark that we would pray again.  I put my hand on her shoulder again and basically said the same prayer or command.  Vickie moved it again and it was pretty much the same result.  I said that I wanted to pray again and both Mark and Vickie consented.  After praying again, Vickie was nearly in tears as she realized that all the pain just disappeared and that the Lord had just healed her shoulder.  I did not stop there and prayed for her arms and wrists commanding all arthritis to come out and leave in Jesus Name.  After praying the first time, everything was greatly improved, but I prayed one more time for good measure.  Vickie was smiling from “ear to ear” at the time indicating that the Lord had healed her completely!!  I asked Mark how her chest was doing, and he said it was good. I did not even have to pray for her chest.  There have been times when we have prayed for one issue, and the Lord has healed multiple problems all at once. Both Mark and Vickie were overjoyed what the Lord had done in just a couple of minutes for problems that had been there for years!  We were all hugging each other and Mark and Vickie were so grateful!  We give all the glory to God through His Son, Jesus Christ (see John 14:12-14.