PRAY THIS PRAYER FIRST TO DRAW CLOSER TO GOD:  Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you to come into my heart and life, and be my Lord and Savior.  Please forgive me for things that I have done wrong, as I forgive others, and lead me into the paths of righteousness for Your Name's sake!   In Jesus Name, Amen.

PRAY THIS PRAYER IF THE LORD IS IN YOUR HEART AND LIFE, AND YOU WANT TO EXPERIENCE MIRACLES IN YOUR LIFE AND THE LIFE OF OTHERS:  Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you to baptize me with your Holy Spirit and Fire, and enable me to experience Your miraculous power! (Luke 3:16 and Acts 1:8) In Jesus Name, Amen.  

1) Praying Effectively According to God's Word

2)  Impartation  (prayer to be used by God)

3)  Petitions to the Lord (how to pray according to His will)

4) Prophesying Your Future

5) Triple “A” Assurance for Miracles

6) Releasing Angels

7) Teaching on Healing followed by Impartation and Communion

8) The Amazing Authenticity of God’s Word, The Bible


(updated 10/1/2022)

Lord, I (we) invite you to manifest your presence and glory in this place and to walk among us as we pray according to your Word. I (we) also invite your holy angels, ministers of fire and ministers of healing to come and minister to us even now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit you are welcome in this place, ministering angels you are welcome in this place.

  • Psalm 100:4 I will enter into Your gates with thanksgiving and into Your courts with praise.

  • Psalm 118:24 I will say that this is the day that the Lord has made. I shall rejoice and be glad in it!

  • Numbers 23:19 Thank you Lord that You are not a man that You should lie, nor the son of man that You should repent. Have You not said and will You not do it? Have You not spoken and will You not make it good?

  • 2 Corinthians 1:20 Thank you Lord that all the promises of God in Him are yes, and in Him Amen unto the glory of God. Lord, there are over 3000 promises for us in Your Word. Help us to appropriate Your promises every day and in every situation!

  • Psalm 138:2 How great is Your WORD, Lord! For You have magnified YOUR WORD above Your Name!

  • Psalm 103:20 Thank you, Lord for your angels that excel in strength, that do Your commandments, that hearken onto the VOICE OF YOUR WORD. May your angels hearken onto the voice that we give to YOUR WORD.

  • Exodus 15:26 Thank you, Lord for being Jehovah-rapha, the God that heals me.

  • Genesis 22:14 Thank you, Lord for being Jehovah-jireh, my provider.

  • Judges 6:24 Thank you, Lord for being Jehovah-shalom, my peace.

  • Isaiah 60:1 I will arise and shine for my light has come and the GLORY OF THE LORD has risen upon me!

  • Mark 11:23Thank you Lord that because I do not doubt in my heart, but believe that those things which I say shall come to pass; I SHALL HAVE WHATSOEVER I SAY !

  • Mark 11:24 Thank you, Lord that WHATSOEVER things that I desire when I pray, I believe that I receive them and I shall have them!

  • Psalm 37:4 Because I delight myself in you Lord, I shall have the desires of my heart!

  • Job 22:28 You shall also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto you: and the light shall shine upon your ways.

  • Psalm 1:3 I declare that WHATSOEVER I do shall prosper!

  • 3 John 2 Thank you, Lord that you desire that above all things that I should prosper and be in health even as my soul prospers.

  • Psalm 30:2 Thank you, Lord that when I cried onto You, You healed me!

  • 1 Chronicles 4:10As Jabez prayed, I pray that You would bless us indeed, that You would enlarge our coast, that Your hand would be upon us, and that You would keep us from evil that it would not grieve us.

  • 1John 5:14-15 Thank you Lord, if we ask anything according to Your will, You hear us: and if we know that You hear us, WHATSOEVER we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of You. Everything that we pray according to Your Word is indeed Your will for us.

  • Acts 1:8 Thank you Lord, that we have received Your power (dunamis in the Greek, literally dynamite power) after that the Holy Spirit has come upon us: and we shall be Your witnesses in all the earth (Paraphrased)!

  • John 14:12-14 Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believes on Me, the WORKS that I do shall he do also; and GREATER (WORKS) than these shall he do: because I go unto my Father. (Vs. 13 ) And WHATSOEVER you shall ask in my Name, that will I do that the Father may be GLORIFIED in the Son. (Vs. 14) If you shall ask anything in my Name, I will do it.

  • Mark 16: 17-18 Thank you Lord that signs (and wonders) shall follow me wherever I go because I believe in Jesus Christ. Among these signs, I shall speak with new tongues or supernatural languages, I will cast out demons, and I will lay hands on the sick and they shall RECOVER! (Paraphrased)

  • Psalm 103:1-3 Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is in me, bless His Holy Name. Bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all his benefits. Thank you for forgiving me for all of my sins, thank you for healing all of my diseases, thank you for delivering my soul from destruction and pain, thank you for crowning me with loving kindness and tender mercies, thank you for giving my mouth good things to eat so that my youth might be renewed like that of the eagles!

  • Isaiah 53:5 Thank you, Lord that You were wounded for my transgressions, You were bruised for my iniquities, the chastisement of my peace was upon You, and By YOUR STRIPES, I AM HEALED!

  • Deuteronomy 34:7 States that at 120, Moses’ eyes were not dim, nor his natural strength abated. May we be like Moses in regard to health.

  • Psalm 107:20 Thank you, Lord for sending your word and healing me.

  • Malachi 4:2 Thank you, Lord that because we fear Your Name, the Son of Righteousness will arise with healing in His wings, and we shall go free leaping for joy.

  • Proverbs 4:20-22Lord, I attend unto Your words, I incline my ear unto Your sayings, I do not let them depart from my eyes, I keep them in the midst of my heart, for they are life unto me and health to all of my flesh. Thank you, Lord that Your words are health to all of my flesh!

  • Psalm 91:9-11Because we have made You Lord our refuge, even the Most High our habitation, thank you Lord that no evil shall befall us, nor shall any plague come near our dwellings. Thank you, Lord for giving your angels charge over us to keep us in all of our ways! I pray for a hedge of protection around (name individuals, etc.).

  • 2 Kings 20:5 Thank you, Lord for seeing my tears and hearing my prayers, surely You will heal me.

  • Isaiah 40:31 I will wait upon You Lord, I will renew my strength, I will mount up with wings of eagles, I will run and not be weary, I will walk and not faint.

  • Jeremiah 17:14 Heal me Lord, and I shall be healed.

  • Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to PROSPER you and not to harm you, plans to give you a HOPE and a FUTURE (NIV).

  • Psalm 23 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures, He leads me by the still waters. He restores my soul, He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake.............surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever!

  • Matthew 6:9 Lord, let Your kingdom come (the kingdom of God is within us) and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven (there is no sickness in heaven). Vs. 12 And thank you for forgiving us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. For in vs. 15, you say that if we do not forgive men (and women) their trespasses, neither will our Father forgive our trespasses. And in Hebrews 12:14, you say not to have any bitterness toward others. Therefore, right now I forgive every person, situation, organization, etc. that has caused me any problems or has sinned against me in any way in order that my healing might manifest.

  • Matthew 18:18 Thank you, Lord that whatsoever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever we loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Right now, I release the angels of heaven to work on our behalf and to prosper our way and to protect us in everything that we do! I also come against and bind the devil and his demonic forces that would come against us and harm us or discourage us in any way in Jesus Name.

  • Hebrews 1:7 Thank you Lord for making Your angels spirits, and Your ministers a flame of fire.

  • Hebrews 1:14 Thank you, Lord for sending Your ministering spirits, Your angels, to minister for us who are or who shall be heirs of salvation. Open our eyes Lord that we may see or sense Your heavenly angels.


Below is a prayer to ask the Lord to use you in miracles.  However, before praying this be sure that you are in right relationship with the Lord.  You can do this by simply saying,  "Lord I ask you to come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior.  I ask You to forgive me for all of my sins and help me to grow in You and walk according to Your Word, the Holy Bible.  In Jesus Name."

Father, in the name of JESUS CHRIST, I ask that You meet our faith and hunger for You.  I ask that Your Holy Spirit fire would come upon us.  I ask that You would release Your love and compassion into our hearts right now.  I ask that You would impart to us all of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially the gifts of healing, faith, and the working of miracles.  In addition, when we pray for others, may Your Holy Spirit fire fall upon them also and that they would be overcome by Your Presence!

As we wait in Your Presence, Father with our hands lifted up and our palms raised, I ask that Your Power would touch our hands.  Multiply Your Power, Increase Your Power, baptize us in Your Holy Spirit afresh, immerse us in Your Holy Spirit and fill our souls with the love and peace of the Prince of Peace in Jesus’ Name. Amen.                                                                                              

(Please wait upon the Lord to come and touch your hands and/or your body with His tangible Presence and His Power)


According to 1 John 5:14-15, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us: and if we know that He hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him!

Psalm 37:4-5 state that if we delight ourselves in the Lord, He shall give us the desires of our heart.  And if we commit our way unto Him and trust in Him, He shall bring it to pass.

Lord, it is your will that we be healed from the top of our head to the soles of our feet for in Isaiah 53:5 You say that You were wounded for our transgressions, You were bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon you, and with Your stripes, we are healed.  Also, in 1 Peter 2:24 You say that by Your stripes we were healed!  Again, in 3 John 2 You say that You wish above all things that we would prosper and be in health, even as our soul prospers.  In Psalm 103:3, You say that You healed all of our diseases.  In Romans 10:9, You speak of us being saved which in Greek means saved from our sins, delivered, made prosperous and HEALED!

Therefore, right now in the Name of Jesus Christ, I (we) petition You to remove all of our infirmities from us and to prosper all of our ways, specifically……………………………….. (place your prayer requests below)






Thank you, Lord for hearing our petitions and acting according to Your  Word, which cannot lie, for in Numbers 23:19 You say, that You are not a man that should lie, nor the son of man that You should repent. Have you not said it, and shall You not do it, or have you spoken and shall you not make it good!  Also, in 2 Corinthians 1:20 You say that all the promises of God in Him are yes, and in Him, Amen unto the glory of God.  Therefore, again we beseech You according to Your Word and Your promises that you give us the petitions that we desire of You!

Your child (children), …………………………… …............(your name or names)


Note:  Everything above is God’s will.  However, some things may block our prayers.  The following prayer will help you to receive God’s promises if you are not seeing results:  “Lord I confess any sins that are blocking my prayers, especially and foremost any unforgiveness, bitterness, or grudges that I may hold.  I renounce any connection with the occult, new age, or other religions.  In addition, I break any generational curses that may be affecting me in Jesus name.   I ask you to reveal to me anything that is causing me to miss Your will.”

Finally, it is God’s will that you know Him.  So if you have never done so, simply ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior;  to come into your heart and forgive your sins, and help you to serve Him (see Romans 10:9 -10).


Note: Some scriptures may be paraphrased and are not word for word.  The primary purpose is to pray according to God’s Word, and not merely to quote Him word for word.



             Prophesying Your Future Begins right now as soon as you declare it!

            Job 22:28 states that you shall also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto you: and the light shall shine upon your ways.                                                                                               So, here we go!!!  

 1)    I will arise and shine for my light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon me (Isaiah 60:1) and I declare that this is                  going to be a great day (Ephesians 3:20).

2 )    I declare that I am free from all pain and disease and sickness (Psalm 103:1-3, Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24).

3)    I declare that goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life starting this very moment (Psalm 23:6).

4)    I declare that I am getting stronger and younger everyday (Isaiah 40:31 and Psalm 103:5).

5)    I declare that I do not have a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and a sound mind (2Timothy 1:7).

6)    I declare that I am prosperous and healthy (3John 2).

7)    I declare that I have the favor of God and that He is keeping me from all evil (1 Chronicles 4:10).

8)    I declare that I have angels watching over me and protecting me everywhere I go (Psalm 91:11, Psalm 34:7, Hebrews 1:14, Psalm             103:20, and Hebrews 1:7).

9)    I declare that all the desires of my heart will come to pass (Psalm 37:4, Mark 11:24).

10)  I declare that I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13).

11)  I declare whatsoever I shall do will prosper (Psalm 1:3).

12)  I declare protection over all my family and property (Psalm 91).

13)  I declare that I am walking in the paths of righteousness for His name sake (Psalm 23:3).

14)  I declare that I will walk in all the promises of God and that I will appropriate those promises every day and in every situation (there         are over 3000 promises in His Word) (2 Corinthians 1:20).

15)  I declare that I am walking under open heavens and that the Kingdom of God is in me and all around me (Matthew 6:10).

16)  I declare that whatsoever I bind on earth will be bound in Heaven and whatsoever I loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven                     (Matthew 18:18).

17)  I declare that I will flow in the dunamis (dynamite) power (Acts 1:8) of the Holy Spirit and all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit

        (1 Corinthians 12:1-11).

18)  I declare that I will lay hands on the sick and that they will recover (Mark 16: 17-18).

19)   I declare that I will do the works that Jesus did, and even greater works that the Father might be glorified in the Son

        (John 14:12-14). 

20)   I declare that everything that I have spoken here will come to pass even now (Job 22:28).



The Holy Spirit downloaded the above acronym just the other day as I was thinking on all the miracles that God has done. He is not limited to time or situations.  You may have noticed that this is a play on words.  Rather than Triple “A” Insurance which many people have heard of and can relate to, this is Triple “A” Assurance to believe God for signs, wonders, and miracles that the Lord has promised to all believers if we only believe.  That is what faith is all about.  If you don’t believe, it is very unlikely that you will see or experience miracles.

In Webster’s Dictionary, we find that the definition for Assurance includes: the state of being sure or certain about something. A strong feeling of confidence. A strong and definite statement that something will happen or that something is true.

The first “A” stands for Anticipation for miracles or what I prefer is expectation that God will do something, i.e. assurance.  One of the best ways to increase expectation is to see, hear, or read testimonies of people experiencing miracles which I do on a continual basis.  Also, the more you read God’s Word (the Bible) where signs, wonders, and miracles are happening all of the time, your faith will definitely increase.  It says in Hebrews 11:6 and Romans 10:17 that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word. Many times Jesus said that “your faith has made you whole” when ministering healing to others.  The Lord also uses other ways to increase our faith if we are open to His leading.

Onto the next “A” which stands for Atmosphere. Of course, testimonies create an atmosphere for believing for miracles.  But I want to focus for a moment on  worship and praise as the main key to creating an atmosphere where you can walk into signs, wonders, and miracles. Psalm 100:4 says that we can enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise.  With worship and praise we can actually enter into where the God’s presence dwells when we focus on worshiping Him and nothing else.  To take it a step further, 1Timothy 2:8 and Psalm 134:2 speaks of raising our hands into the atmosphere as we worship and praise the Lord.  This one action can change everything as it brings you into much deeper fellowship with the Lord and you sense the atmosphere around you beginning to shift. It is at this point that you many begin to feel the tangible presence of the Lord and the Assurance that the God of Miracles is right there beside you wanting to bless you.  It is at this point that your faith begins to soar.

Finally, the last “A” is for Authority.  When your faith has increased through testimonies, or preaching of the Word and/or worship, you can pray with authority or speak with authority over your situation or another person who needs healing or a miracle and have assurance that the Lord will show up and demonstrate His power and love in you and through you. Often times, the Lord, Jesus Christ would simply take authority over disease or demons and commanded it to leave with just a few words.  The Lord has given this same authority to those that would believe on Him in according to Mark 16:17 and John 14:12-14.

In Conclusion, consider Triple “A” assurance and walk in it and you too will experience signs, wonders, and miracles.  It is His will for you to walk in Faith.




Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who shall be heirs of salvation?  (Hebrews 1:14).   Minister is defined in Webster’s Dictionary as acting as an agent, authorized, to serve, to give help, to fill wants (desires).  Angels will do all of these things for us if we allow them to.  How do we allow them?  We do this by speaking God’s Word and that which is in line with God’s Word!  Remember this that when we speak contrary to or against God’s Word, we hinder and prevent angels from working on our behalf!

Bless the Lord, you His angels, that  excel in strength, that do His commandments, hearkening onto the Voice of His Word! (Psalm 103:20).  His angels are extremely strong and powerful, they do the commandments of the Lord, and they hearken onto the Voice of His Word not the thought of His Word!

The Lord makes His angel spirits and his ministers of fire. (Psalm 104:4 and Hebrews 1:7).  Similarly, when Elisha asked the Lord to open the eyes of his servant to the realm of the spirit, he saw a multitude of horses and chariots of fire in 2Kings 6:17.  Many people today have had their eyes opened into the realm of the spirit and have reported angels manifesting fire around them.   In addition many people have reported miracles or healing in their  body  while experiencing heat or even electrical sensations to varying degrees.

Matthew  18:18 states that whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.  If you are an heir of salvation, why don’t you loose God’s powerful angels today to minister for you?  Declare and confess that angels go before you and that they direct and prosper your way.  The following is a powerful prayer and declaration in accordance with God’s Word for the “releasing of angels”.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I repent of my ignorance of the Word of God.  I ask you to forgive me of the foolish things that I have prayed in the past. In Jesus name, I bind every word that has released the devil or drawn his weapons toward me.  I bind every hindering force that I have ever given strength to by the words of my mouth.  I break the power of those spiritual forces, in Jesus’ name.

Father in the name of Jesus, I ask You to guide me in wisdom and understanding through the scriptural methods to set in motion all that’s good, pure, perfect, lovely, and of good report.

Lord help me to pray accurately.  Help me to keep my mouth under control and only speak that which glorifies You.  Help me to not allow any corrupt communication proceed out of my mouth, but that which is good to edify and minister grace to the hearer.  Help me not to grieve the Holy Spirit whereby I am sealed until the day of redemption, but to give glory and honor and praise to the Lord Jesus Christ for all that shall be done in my life and others lives.

Thank you Father that I am of the body of Christ and that the enemy has no power over me!  I proclaim that all that is good, all that is blessed of God, all that is in His perfect will, all that God has designed for me shall come to me, in Jesus’ name! All of the evil and bad reports, all that the enemy has designed to deceive me, to lead me astray, to destroy me, my home, or my finances shall be stopped with the name of Jesus and the words of my mouth. I declare that I am blessed in the city and blessed in the field.  I am blessed in the baskets and blessed in the store.  I am blessed coming in and blessed going out. I am the head and not the tail.  I am above and not beneath.  I am blessed of Almighty God and strengthened with all might according to His glorious power. The Greater One is in me; He puts me over in life  The Spirit of Truth is in me; He gives me divine wisdom, divine direction, divine understanding of every situation and every circumstance in life.  I have the wisdom of God. Thank you, Father, that I am led by the Spirit of God.  I have the mind of Christ and the wisdom of God is in me.  In Jesus’ Name.  Amen!

Congratulations and Rejoice for you have now released your ministering angels all around you to go and work to accomplish God’s Word in your life.  Remember that there is a myriad of extremely powerful angels all around us day and night working in our behalf for those of us that know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.  

In the event that you do not know Jesus as Lord and Saviour, say this prayer right now! Lord Jesus, I ask you to come into my heart to be my Lord and Saviour.  I repent of my sins.  Thank you for forgiving me of my sins and helping me to grow in you from this day forward. (Romans 10:9 and 10). 

One final note.  Say the prayer of “Releasing Angels” out loud on a daily or regular basis and watch what the Lord will do in your life and on your behalf.


Excerpts taken from Angels  by Charles Capps and Annette Capps

7) Teaching on Healing followed by Impartation and Communion

Good morning everyone. I am John and today I have the privilege of teaching on healing followed by impartation of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as well as the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  I plan on putting this on my website, , in the near future. So be sure to check it out.

First, I would like to welcome everyone to our Healing Life Group.

I expect this to be an exciting time for each of you as the Holy Spirit moves. I want to emphasize that we are only the “messengers of the good news of healing” and that all the glory belongs unto the Lord! Also, the Lord wants each one of you to minister healing to others as well as to yourselves.

Karla, our team leader has asked me to share a few testimonies which the Lord has used Barbara and myself in to help build your faith in God’s healing power. We have hundreds of personal testimonies and even 1000’s when we include the ministries that we support and personal friends and acquaintances.

Karla has also asked me to put up my website which is called where you can see many of the signs, wonders, and healings that the Lord has used in. On the website, there is a link to my E book on Amazon talking about miracles. I plan to put this updated teaching session on my website in the near future, so be sure to look for it.

In addition, we have a business card linked to the website that we use as a witnessing tool.  If anyone is interested, go to my website and click on contact. There, put your name and address and how many cards you would like up to 12.  We will send them to you in the mail at no cost. Also, if you have any testimonies that you would like to put on my blog, let me know.

Okay, let’s do it and go over a number of miracles which I will take from our most recent missionary trip to Columbia with Eastridge Church, the first week and the powerful Global Awakening Ministries, the second week.

As I go over these miracles, listen very carefully for teaching points and clues on how we minister to people. This will build your faith and confidence when you pray for others, including yourselves. 

 First Week in Cucuta, Columbia with Eastridge Church.

Cucuta is right next to the Venezuelan border.  Here we ministered to the refugees from Venezuela coming into Cucuta daily. Pastor Larry held a number of church services and then our team would pray for people. I teamed up with Larissa  and Edger from church who would interpret for me.  We saw a multitude of miracles after the services with people being instantly healed.

One evening after church, we headed back to town where we had dinner at a restaurant very close to our hotel.  I had been praying before the trip for dramatic miracles, even creative miracles during fasting and prayer week at Eastridge Church. What follows were certainly the fulfillment of incredible miracles orchestrated by the Lord.

After we finished dinner we walked back to the hotel in the dark.  I was in the very back, lagging behind, and talking to Jimmy, our missionary host.  At dinner, I had ordered two chicken wraps. I only ate one of them, so I put the other one in my bag.  As it turned out, there was a young man perhaps in his early 20’s selling some items next to our hotel.  I asked Jimmy if I could give him my extra wrap and he said yes.  I gave it to him, and then asked his name, which was Ricardo, and introduced ourselves.  I asked if we could pray for any pain or medical condition in his body and he said yes.  We ended up praying for his right side where he said a part of his lung had been removed.  He was obviously having difficulty breathing.  So, with his permission, I put my hand on his shoulder and commanded the area to be healed in Jesus’ Name.  I asked him how his lung felt, and he said that all the pain was gone. PTL.

I probed a little more for any other medical problems and Ricardo said that he also had an infection on his heart and that he would need to have surgery to repair it.  Of course, there is no way that he could afford to have surgery.  So, with his permission, I put my hand on his chest and rebuked the infection in Jesus’ Name and prayed for a new heart.  Immediately, he said that he felt fine. Amazing. I believe that the Lord created a new lung and a new heart in just a few seconds for this young man.  I then asked him if he would like to receive the Lord into his heart.  And of course , he said yes.  We then led him a prayer of salvation and spoke blessings over him.  It was a very powerful time with two dramatic miracles in a moment.  We want to give all glory and honor to the Lord for what great things He has done.

The next day, we traveled about an hour and half up into the mountains outside Cucuta to a tent site called Carpe Esperanza or Hope Tent. It was staffed by Youth With A Mission, and several other organizations.  It was situated on the side of the road and consisted basically of a tent with plastic chairs inside.  Here groups were ministering to the many Venezuelan refugees, who were making their way on foot toward Pamplona, a small town up in the mountains hoping to find work and a place to stay.

The first person that we prayed for was a young man who had pain in his upper left tooth and lower right molar.  We prayed for the upper left tooth first and all of the pain left.  He said that the tooth felt cold to him as the Lord was healing it. The more painful right tooth was also healed immediately while also feeling cold.  Remember this is Columbia and it is actually quite warm there.  This young man then prayed to accept the Lord.

  One of the people that we prayed for was Will.  He had a lot of cracking in his right shoulder and great deal of tension down his right arm.  We prayed several times for his right shoulder and all the cracking and pain left, for which he was most grateful.  We then prayed for his right arm where the tension was.  Each time, the tightness decreased as we prayed, until it was completely gone. He also reported coldness going all the way down his arm.  As a teaching point, we often ask the patient if they are feeling anything as we pray in order to build their faith and even our faith for greater miracles.

One of other incredible miracles today involved Carla, Will’s wife.  She had sprained her ankle the day before.  After I got permission to place my hand on her ankle, I kneeled down and commanded the pain to leave and to be healed in Jesus Name. She reported feeling cold in her ankle. After putting weight on it, she found that it was completely healed.  We asked if she had any other problems and she said that her left lung had not developed at birth and that it was causing breathing problems, and sometimes comas.  After we prayed for her, her lung was instantly healed and she was able to breathe easily. Also, Carla reported that she felt a “lifting up” of her lung when I was praying for her.  I believe that this was another creative miracle that only the Lord could do!  Wow, we had two creative lung miracles in just a few days! That was totally amazing.

 The next notable miracle was for Joel.  We prayed for his right knee pain which he said immediately felt cold, but totally well.  We then prayed for his back and shoulders which were healed right away.  He felt a lifting up and “snapping” in those areas which implied bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles were going back into their proper places.  At the end, he invited the Lord into his heart and reported seeing a bright ball of light as he prayed.  Another incredible miracle and sign and wonder. All glory be to the Lord!

We prayed for another young adult male who was squinting because of pain in both eyes.  We prayed several times but nothing improved very much, even though he said they felt cold.  We told him that we believed that the Lord would complete the healing that He started.  About a half hour later, I saw him sitting down and smiling with his eyes wide open.  I barely recognized him.  We praise the Lord for allowing us to see His healing power.

Our next, and perhaps most dramatic miracle was for Jesus (that’s right, Jesus).  He had blurriness of vision in his left eye since birth due to a smaller than normal retina.  This time, I asked Edgar if he would like to pray for Jesus and he said yes. So, I had him put his hand over Jesus’s left eye and mentored him in how to pray for healing. Edger even prayed a second time without assistance.  It was great. The blurriness was totally resolved and Jesus declared he could see clearly. When we asked if he felt anything, he said that during the second prayer, his eye felt “frozen”!  Incredible!  Again, I believe that the Lord did a creative miracle.

We had a number of other miracles today and prayed blessings and protection over the refugees.  It was a very, very powerful day of ministry! 

Second week, in Medellin, Columbia with Global Awakening.

The second week Barbara and I parted company with Eastridge Church and went to Medellin high up in the Andes Mountains. We enjoyed our new area for a few days before teaming up with Global Awakening Ministries.

I will share just a few of the many incredible miracles that we experienced.

One of the days, we shared with a fellow team member, Melissa, a few of the miracles where the Lord has used us, and I asked if we could pray impartation over her to do the same. This is the same impartation that I will pray over those that desire this later after our teaching.

 So, Melissa held out her hands and I put my hands on hers and prayed over her.  I asked her if she was feeling anything and she said that she felt taller plus she felt heat on her hands.  That was pretty cool, as that was the first time anyone felt taller when I prayed for them. I think I’ll try that on myself.  The Holy Spirit is never limited in what He can do. I then prayed for her back which was sometimes giving her problems, and she felt heat in her lower back.  We prayed that the Lord would use her in miracles and healing.

The very next day, we spoke to Melissa and were amazed to find out that the Lord had used her to heal six people and lead six people to salvation.  She was so thankful, as nothing like that had ever happened to her before.  It was extremely powerful. So, get ready for impartation.

Soccer Fields

A couple of days later, we were with the soccer teams that the Viento Fresco Ministry sponsored.  After teaching and impartations at the ministry location. We took off in a van to the soccer fields.  Without expecting anything, Barbara and I were given an assignment to minister to the 16 year old soccer boys. Instead of panicking, we trusted in the Holy Spirit to give us the words and anointing to minister and that He would show up in power!

  Barbara and I met Santiago who would be our translator.  This was his first day as a volunteer, and he was soon to find out what he was getting himself into.  Something very powerful was about to happen.

We first talked to Santiago about the miracles that the Lord was using us in and he felt the “rush of the Holy Spirit” and almost fell over as we simply gave our testimony.  I then asked if we could pray impartation over him and he was very open.  As we prayed, he felt heat on his hands as he experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit.  He would soon be part of the experience of seeing the soccer kids getting saved and healed by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We had about 16 youth gather around us and seated on the ground while Barbara talked about our favorite sport – skiing, and then transitioned into a miracles that happened while ministering on the YWAM Mercy Ship in Papua New Guinea. I will have Barbara share this with next.

Barbara, you’re up.

Wasn’t that an amazing story. Again, all honor and glory be to God!  By the way 12 boys gave their hearts to the Lord and many were healed.

Okay, here we are finally at the Spirit Led Healing Prayer:


I believe that every true Christian believer can do the works that Jesus did and even greater works according to John 14:12-14!  In fact, Jesus states in Mark 16:17-18 that signs will follow those that believe on Him! Among these signs, devils will be cast out and the sick will recover. This works in the “market place”, in church, and essentially everywhere you go!  Listen to the Holy Spirit and ask Him for guidance when you step out in faith and pray for others.

To get started, I recommend that you ask the Lord to Baptize with the Holy Spirit and all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially healing, faith, and working of miracles (as found in Acts 1:8 and 1Corinthians 12:1-11). This will dramatically increase your effectiveness! In fact, I will pray that impartationover you in just a few moments.

My modus operandi is simple. However, feel free to modify this teaching as you feel led by the Holy Spirit. Barbara and I usually approach the subject of healing after developing some rapport with a person. It may be “small talk” or you may simply notice that they have an injury of some sort. You can causally ask them what happened and if you can pray for them. Explain to them that you are in Christian ministry.  A side note is if you pray for someone, you are in fact in Christian ministry.

I will go over the key points that are on your worksheet starting with the key word being in bold face.

·     ASK.   After you ask a person if you can pray for them or pray a blessing over them, ask them specifically if they have any pain in their body or medical problems. If they do have pain or limited mobility, ask how bad it is on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the worse). You can use this as a baseline for later. Don’t worry if you forget. The Holy Spirit will still heal them.

·     HAND.   After they tell you the condition and the specific area, ask them to place their hand over the area. If it is a personal spot, have them put their hand on their heart or simply relax as you pray. I generally ask if I can put my hand over theirs or simply on an area such as an arm or shoulder (be aware of different cultures and religions, eg. Islam).

·     INVITE.  Invite the Holy Spirit to come with His presence and power.

·     JESUS NAME.  Ask the Lord to heal them in Jesus Name and/or command the condition to be healed in Jesus Name. Personally, I usually command the condition to be healed in Jesus Name. As a side note, it really doesn’t matter exactly how you pray. The Holy Spirit will still help you.

·     HONOR.  At the end, I give all glory and honor to The Lord or the Holy Spirit understanding that is not me that is doing the healing, but the Lord.

·     FEELING.  Next, I ask the person if they are feeling anything or if something is happening. The range that we experience is “nothing”, hot, cold, most recently frozen, both hot and cold, electricity (tingling), a “rush”, weeping, being overcome by the Holy Spirit, looking like they are in a different realm or a trance, and not being able to stand. However, hot, cold, and electricity seem to be the most common. The Lord seems to anoint different people for different signs. However, we have experienced all of the above and more.

It’s always good to ask the person that you are praying for if they are feeling anything, because if they are experiencing one or more of the above sensations, it dramatically builds their faith as well as yours for greater miracles.

·     IMPROVEMENT.  If there is some improvement on a scale of 1-10 on pain or mobility, then ask to pray again, basically the same way with some change of wording if you wish.  You don’t have to use long prayers to get results.  Many times, Jesus only used 3-4 words when He prayed for someone. As long as you get improvement, keep praying with permission.


 The above approach has worked very effectively for Barbara and myself over the years and is all you normally need to do.

·     DEMONIC.  A couple of things to be aware of however. If the pain or condition moves around to different areas, it is almost always a demonic spirit.  If this happens, you can take authority over the spirit and command it to leave in Jesus Name. Examples of this could be a spirit of pain, a spirit of arthritis, etc.  Many medical problems can be caused by evil spirits. See Acts 10:38.

·     BLOCKAGE.  Another important point is if healing is not happening, there may be something blocking it.  Unforgiveness (this is huge and very common), generational curses, spells, or involvement in the occult by the person or a close relative can cause blockage to healing.

Ask about this. If there is a problem, lead them in a prayer of forgiveness and/or repentance. And then continue with healing prayer. Quietly ask the Holy Spirit how you should proceed if you run into problems.

·     OTHER PROBLEMS.  If healing is 100% or even 80% at the least, ask if they have any other pain or medical condition in their body.  Often times, a person has more than one problem which they don’t tell you about up front.  When you are finished praying, tell the person(s) to take authority over any symptoms that come back and for them to leave in Jesus Name.  Also, sometimes they may need to change their lifestyle once they are healed, i.e. eat less, exercise more, etc.

If they are not a Christian, and they just got healed, be sure to ask them if they would like to pray to receive the Lord into their heart otherwise they could be dealing with a greater problem or problems in the future. See Matthew 12:43-45.


·     STOPPING.  If there is no improvement after say three or four prayers, I generally recommend stopping and encouraging the person  to continue to believe the Lord for healing.  Sometimes healing will happen later, in an hour, day, week or sometime in the future.  We’ve seen this happen many times.

(A side note on this.  We have prayed for a patient up to 10 times and he was completely healed. So, if you wish you can pray as many times as the person is willing, especially if you get improvement.)


·     FINALLY.  At the end, you can pray a blessing over them and/or ask them if they would like to draw closer to God (i.e. to pray for Jesus to come into their heart), especially if they got healed.  Do whatever is most comfortable for you.

 I really believe that the above approach will work well for you. As you become more comfortable with this ministry, you may wish to modify it as you feel led. I recommend reading this brief teaching over and over again. You may even wish to role play with a friend or relative until you feel comfortable using it.




Next, I want to pray impartation over everyone that desires to be used even more powerfully for healing. If that’ you and you have invited Jesus into your heart to be Lord and Savior, please raise your hands in an act of worship and I will pray that impartation right now.  Here we go.

  Father, in the name of JESUS CHRIST, I ask that You meet our faith and hunger for You.  I ask that You Baptize us afresh with Your Holy Spirit and fire (according to Luke 3:16, Matthew 3:11, Acts 1: 5 and 8, Acts 2:3-4).  I ask that You would release Your love and compassion into our hearts right now.  I ask that You would impart to us all of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially the gifts of healing, faith, and the working of miracles.  In addition, when we pray for others, may Your Holy Spirit fire fall upon them also and that they would be overcome by Your Presence!

As we wait on you, Father with our hands lifted up and our palms raised, I ask that Your Power would touch our hands.  Multiply Your Power, Increase Your Power, baptize us in Your Holy Spirit afresh, immerse us in Your Holy Spirit and fill our souls with and peace of the Prince of Peace in Jesus’ Name. Amen. 


(Hopefully, many of you felt the presence of the Holy Spirit just now as I prayed over you.  In fact, let’s see by a raise of hands, how many felt the physical manifestation of the Holy Spirit that others might be encouraged. Also, Let Karla know when she asks for testimonies. That’s great).


 Next, we are going to transition into communion. Once again, it is very important that you have received Christ into your heart as your Lord and Savior before taking communion.  

Hopefully, you have your items, bread and juice ready.  If you need a minute or two, please raise your hand and we can wait.

 Okay, let’s get started. You can just follow along with me on this and when I am done with the prayer, we will partake of the bread and juice.

(Again, it would be great if you raise your hands and close your eyes as an act of worship and thanksgiving.)

   “Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your son, Jesus Christ, to die for me that I might have salvation when I receive Him as Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9 and 10). I thank you that, through Christ’s suffering, He purchased a three-fold redemption for my spirit, my mind, and my body.  Today, I ask you to bless this bread that represents the body of Christ:  bless the fruit of the vine that represents the precious blood of Christ.

As you have forgiven me, so I forgive anyone or anything that has wronged me in any way whether it be individuals, organizations, governments, or situations, etc.. You say in Matthew 6:15 that if I do not forgive others, You will not forgive us.  In addition, according to Your Word, I ask You to help and bless those who have wronged me.

Search me Lord and remove any trace of sin or disobedience from my life.

As I receive this communion, I ask you to bring strength and health to me spiritually, emotionally, and physically, because of the New Covenant that was sealed through the sufferings of Christ.  Father, Jesus carried my infirmities (Isaiah 53:5); therefore, I ask you to lift from me what Jesus has carried for me.  I receive it by faith and I give you all the praise, glory, and honor, in the name of Jesus Christ! Amen.” Thank You, Lord.

Let’s go ahead and partake of the bread and cup remembering everything that the Lord has done for us, especially His making a way for eternal life.

As a side note, In Romans 10: 9-10, the Greek word for saved is the verb Sozo which means: 1) saved from sin 2) delivered 3) protected 4) healed and 5) made prosperous. We need to appropriate all that the Lord did for us when He died on the cross and rose again from the dead.

(Partly taken from Perry Stone’s book, The Meal That Heals)

Thank you for all of you that participated in communion today. I pray that it blesses you and brings healing to your bodies! In Jesus Name, Amen.

8) The Amazing Authenticity of God’s Word, The Bible

(updated 10/1/2022)

God’s Word is verifiable without contradiction by the study of Biblical archeology; the consistency of 44 authors writing 66 books over a period of sixteen centuries; the fulfillment of Bible prophesy; the phenomenon of Equal Linear Spacing (ELS); the probability of human life and especially by the transformation of people’s lives who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and live for Him according to Biblical teachings.                           

 Several illustrations will help to substantiate the above statement.  Starting with prophecy, if one were to analyze the mathematical probability of only 17 of the hundreds of specific Messianic prophesies of Jesus Christ’s first coming and resurrection, the mathematical odds would be conservatively, one chance in 480 billion billion trillion (480 X 10^30), about the same as finding a single marked grain of sand in the entire Milky Way Galaxy of 400 billion stars (obviously not possible)!

 Another substantiation of the accuracy of God’s Word and God’s being the Creator of the universe lies in the theory of evolution versus creation.  Science has recently shown that the human body has 30 trillion cells with each cell having 42 million proteins made up of only 22 left handed amino acids. It has been calculated in the past that the probability of a single human cell self assembling by chance is 1x10^ 4,000,000+! To reveal how impossible it is for even one cell to self organize, it has been calculated that there are only 1x10^80+ atoms in the entire known universe which is an incredibly large number!  Remember that there are 30 trillion cells in the human body which in itself is irreducible in complexity. In other words, all cells and organs have to be in place to function as a living organism. Along the same lines, Sir Fred Hoyle, one of the greatest astronomers of all time, stated that the probability of enzymes, which facilitate all the chemical reactions in our body, occurring by random shufflings is 1x 10^40,000!  Again, this is an incredibly large number beyond comprehension! I believe that you can see, that for humans to have evolved out of the primordial slime, takes a much greater faith than mathematical probability allows!

Another incredible recent discovery is called Equal Linear Spacing (ELS).  In the original Hebrew of the Old Testament, God has hidden in His Word the name of Jesus, and His character in a number of scriptures, especially Messianic scriptures, prophesying of His first and second coming.  For example, in the very first Hebrew words of the Bible, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth…”, starting with the first letter, Yeshua Yakhol is encoded by counting forward every 521st Hebrew letter.  In English this means “Jesus is able.”  Another extraordinary example is found in Isaiah 53:10.  Encoded every 20th letter forward is the phrase, Yeshua Shmi, which means “Jesus is My Name.”  One final illustration is found in Genesis 3:20.  Counting every ninth letter forward is the Hebrew word Yoshiah or “He/Jesus will save.”  Remember that this is the Old Testament and not the New Testament.  No one in the Old Testament knew who Jesus was!  From a human standpoint it is not possible to do this.  It can only be God Himself who has orchestrated the inspiration of the Old Testament writers to write precisely what He told them in the exact order that He told them.  This verifies what the New Testament states in 2 Timothy 3:16 that all scripture is literally “God breathed.”  God has done this in order to reveal to man at such a time as this, the accuracy and the integrity of His Word.  There is no other book, or literary work in the world other than the Old Testament in the original Hebrew language, that has done anything similar to this!                                        

 In the book of Daniel, it was stated over 2400 years ago, that in the end of times near the second return of Christ, knowledge would increase and people would be running “to and fro.”  There has been no other time in human history that this more true than it is now.  One needs to look no further than the supercomputer recently pushing the envelope to 200 quadrillion calculations per second (200x10^15) or the modern modes of transportation all over the world to see that we are living in that designated time.               

 “How should we then live?”, is a question posed by the famous author, Francis Schaeffer.  God’s Word has the ultimate answer in Romans 10:9, “if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved.  For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”                  

What should we then do next?  In the words of a famous radio broadcaster, “for the rest of the story” read the Greatest book ever written – the Bible - starting in the New Testament’s Book of John (esp. John 3:16) for further instruction.           

 Dr. John A. Johnson

Excerpt’s taken from God’s Word, The Signature of Godby Grant Jeffrey, and the World Wide Web.